Our work with students at this level is carefully designed with tutors to dovetail with their own teaching programmes. These can be enormously enriched and supported by the Museum’s collections and the expertise of Museum staff.
We work closely with our cultural partner Bath Spa University. We support projects for Education, Art & Design, Dance, Heritage Management and Museum Studies students. Projects provide practical experiences for students inspired by the Holburne’s collection and exhibitions, resulting in them teaching art sessions to school pupils, performing dance in the galleries, designing and making work that is exhibited in the Museum or sold in the Museum Shop. Students also play a wider role in the life of the Museum, volunteering as gallery stewards, at events or behind the scenes.
We also work with students from the University of Bath, the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England and welcome visits from other institutions.
To discuss or book please read our Educational Visit Planning Notes and complete and enquiry form.