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Feb 7, 2019May 22, 2019£7 – £12.50

£7 – £12.50

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On the Ballroom table 7 February to 19 May
We invited visitors and people in our local community to complete the statement ‘Museums matter to me because…’ as a way of understanding what people value about museums and how the role of museums is understood in contemporary society. This exciting installation is a visual response to over 1,000 ideas and comments shared with us.

In the Wirth Gallery 7 February to 22 April
Celebrating the role of museums as places of creative inspiration and our Pathways to Wellbeing programme this display showcases the artwork of people who have engaged with individual objects from the Holburne’s collection. It examines the connection between museums, creativity, mental health and wellbeing. Each piece will reveal a personal connection, exploring how individual objects and opportunities to learn new art skills can inspire creative journeys.
For more information about Pathways to Wellbeing please visit Pathways to Wellbeing

Don’t miss related events:
In Conversation Tristram Hunt, Sonia Boyce, Maria Balshaw and Chris Stephens
Symposium Why Museums Matter for Mental Health

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The Holburne Museum
Holburne Museum
Bath, BA2 4DB United Kingdom
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The Holburne Museum